Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based?

We are currently based out of Brisbane.

Is this a dropshipping website?

No our manufacturer ships the product to our warehouse based in Australia where a technician inspects each individual Unit to ensure high quality.

No 4-5 week wait for a faulty product.

Can I pick up the Keychain?

If you are based in Brisbane and would like to save on the shipping cost by picking the Unit up. Please get in to contact with the team and we'll work something out.

How long will it take for delivery?

Depending on your location:
Standard Shipping

Australia - Most likely 2-7 days(dependent on Australia Post)

International - We currently only ship to addresses within Australia.


Australia - 2-4 days

International - We currently only ship to addresses within Australia.

Do you offer a refund or swaps?

Only if the Unit is faulty or damaged. So please ensure that when the Unit does arrive you inspect it thoroughly. Also ensure that you have selected the correct product.

I've ordered the wrong product, can you swap?

Only if the keychain has not been dispatched. If you've accidentally selected the wrong style. Please get in contact with us ASAP and we may be able to modify the sale on our end.

How do I know that the product is of high quality?

Every Keychain dispatched is intensely inspected prior to shipping.

Where are the products Manufactured?

The product is manufactured in China from a reputable manufacturer.